Welcome Members

Fall 2024 – Letter from the President

While mulling over what I might say in our concluding Fall 2024 newsletter, I realized, more than any other thing, the WA President’s Letter is a love letter. First, and foremost. As such, it is a love letter to us all, from us all, and in service of us all. Which means it is also a proper old-fashioned thank you note. Short, sweet, sincere, and posted in a timely fashion. In that spirit, I am moved to share with you the sweetest, loveliest, most happiness-inducing sight I, and everyone who ambled by, was privileged to witness at the Westmore Annual Fall Harvest Festival in October. For one festival station stood out beyond all the others. A station both super fun and impressively industrious where smiling faces of all ages abounded. At the helm were lovely Jan Hapke and wonderful Dave Hapke guiding eager, happy participants in the art and great fun of pumpkin carving. Is it possible Jan and Dave had the most fun of all?! I think so! A delight to behold. Miraculously, sunshine prevailed all around despite the hovering threat of rain. The lawn and hall overflowed with visitors and bustling vendors. Delicious crepes, savory and sweet, were served. And thanks to lovely Abbie Gowdy-Chase I went home with a very special pecan pie for dinner. A mighty collaboration of all good things! Just like the Westmore Association!

Deb Smith, President

Check out our lineup of summer events, we hope to see you this summer!

We appreciate your support as we continue to support the mission of the Westmore Association.

 President:  Deb Smith

Vice President:  Ellie Majchrzak
Clerk: Jennifer Woolard
Treasurer: vacant
Board members: Bruce Tanner, Peter Miller, Heidi Rutz, Meggie Patton, Robert Leibold, Peggy Zimmer
We thank you for joining the Westmore Association. 

With this site, members can stay in touch and keep track of all the latest developments in our community. It’s the next best thing to being on the lake!

Please send suggestions of topics you would like to see on our page to: president@westmoreassociation.org

Modern Times Theater returning August 15, 2024